What To Expect


Sunday - 2:30PM Worship

When you visit

We're so glad that you're thinking of attending one of our services! Visiting a new church for the first time can be a bit intimidating, so we want to give you an idea of what to expect when you visit to make your visit as comfortable as possible.


When you first arrive, one of our friendly greeters will welcome you and help show you where you need to go. Our Sunday service starts with worship and then evangelistic preaching.

His presence

When you come to worship with us, you can expect to encounter the Spirit of God. The presence of the Creator of the universe will feel real.

Worship & Preaching

Our services are passionate! We have great music--not to entertain us but to help us give God our best worship. We clap and lift our hands, sing, and offer other heartfelt expressions of worship. We just ask you to join us and worship in whatever ways are comfortable for you. After we sing and take time to give an offering, our pastor will preach a dynamic and relevant message.

Our Response

Near the end of our services, everyone is given an opportunity to respond to what we've heard and felt.


We view the church as more than a building to come to a few times each week. We are truly a family, and as such we enjoy spending time together. We often have dinners and other special events after services, during which we spend time talking and enjoying each other's company.

What to wear

Regardless of which service you attend, dress however is comfortable for you. You'll see a range of styles from jeans to suits. Casual or "Sunday best"...it doesn't matter; do what works for you.